Dear Everyone ~
Last week, I received a lovely collection of thoughts in the mail from the kind heart and vintage typewriter of Kim Soo, a paper crafter & envelope folding enthusiast. Her letter begins “I compose this note of thanks to you on some lovely Cara Pura Zeichenblock paper supplied by your amazing shoppe.” Kim Soo goes on to say, “My 1940s Smith-Corona Silent (not so silent) typewriter requires and deserves nothing less than this cotton joy.”
The bookmark she enclosed is a scrap-happy tour de force. “You might,” she writes, “recognize its parts, ebulliently joined, from the Extremely Exquisite Scraps from November 2024’s Studio Sale. I could not bear to scrap the smallest scraps…”
I didn’t have time to reply to Kim Soo on the lyrical level I wanted to, but I shared photos of her oeuvre (letter, bookmark, envelope) with my Postal Muse, who offered to reach out and delve for details so I could share Kim Soo’s epistolary elegance & eloquence for this Valentines Day post. Alyson & Kim Soo had what I can only describe as a highly illustrated chat! Kim Soo has graciously agreed to let us share some tidbits herein.
Kim Soo grew up corresponding with her favorite cousin, Claire. They’ve been at it for over 40 years now. They occasionally communicate electronically… and their daughters “are besties and electronic correspondents (until further coached). And, our husbands are similarly connected. A large part of this strengthening community has been corresponding and keeping in touch over the miles and decades.”
Kim Soo is currently reveling in her copy of Syme’s Letter Writer, and when Alyson asked her for a photo of her creative space, Kim Soo spontaneously styled her own mise-en-scène in the spirit of this illustration from the book. The Underwood on Kim Soo’s desk is her “other typewriter,” named Francis; the Smith-Corona on which she typed her Valentine to me is named Tom.
Kim Soo definitely doesn’t type on the drop-down “leaf” of her Deco-era desk, which has been in her life since the mid-’90s. To the right of Francis (the Underwood), Kim Soo placed her June 1977 letter from Claire, which concludes, “Please write back.” We say, Words to live and love by! The tour of her accessories and accoutrements continues: “My favorite fountain pen is on the left upper corner. The yellow pencil cup is actually a paper-covered can that another dear friend and Pen Pal sent me literally on its own through the mail in the 90’s—another inspiration to correspond that well-earned its place. His handwritten message to the postal worker still makes me smile. To the far right are little items I like to write upon/send.” As for the family photos, Kim Soo annotates: “Atop, you will see a photo of my grandfather, a WW2 U.S. Navy veteran who still inspires and warms my heart, and he is the common ancestor with my cousin, the little girl with bangs on the left.”
As you might imagine, Alyson plans to mail her first envelope (hand-folded, natch) to Kim Soo today, hand-cancelled “February 14.”
May your Valentine’s Day be filled with xoxtra love, Bari