Dear Everyone ~
We are delighted to herald the arrival of a fresh crop of Season Paper notebooks from France. The covers are serendipitously springy, with a built-in label in the upper right corner for inscribing or dedicating or titling. The beautiful ivory pages are delicately ruled. These truly are notebooks for all reasons: for dreaming, for doodling, for listing, for lounging.
Continuing the dreamy theme: Three freshly made (by me) buttonhole-stitch books have just made their way online. They are sweet & petite-ish, measuring 5" x 6" x 1⅜". Enchanting paper covers, one by artist Michelle Morin, and two by Kensington Paperie. The pages are Stonehenge—splendid for all manner of medium—with a deckle on the foredge.
Also of note: Our favourite felines by Mary Feddon have returned. The pocket portfolio includes three each of two designs, Two Cats and Cat & Compass. Their companion envelopes (6) are crisp white, with a smooth finish.
Cambridge Imprint small labels (1¾" x 1¼") are back in stock. The set of 45 labels is presented in a glassine sleeve holding 1 sheet each of five fabulous palettes: Grade A Gray Shades, Sublime Maritime, Mixed Greens, Turkish Kitchen, and Valentinear. Let these labels inspire your addressing and titling. They will make you smile while you file every little thing!
And last but ne’er least: Last week we were down to our final few Hahnemühle Ultimate Palette pads. Fret not, as Ruby swiftly undertook counting, collating, and stacking luscious stripes of Hahnemühle hues for me to pad. After arriving at the studio this morning, I can confirm that the glued edges have cured, and the pristine pads are ready for your spring flinging.
Season Paper notebooks
Mary Feddon’s felines
Small-ish labels by Cambridge Imprint
Hahnemühle Ultimate Palette pads
Spring-a-linging along, Bari