Mighty-fine-nine-signature-spine via private Zoom

Mighty-fine-nine-signature-spine via private Zoom
Instructor: Bari Zaki
There are no group Zoom workshops currently scheduled. That said, the full-length live recording is available, either on its own, or with the option of scheduling a private or semiprivate workshop (in addition to the recording). See the dropdowns below for pricing. No previous bookbinding experience is necessary.
What you’ll make: A robust, impressive, decorative, and dazzling sketchbook, album, or journal. A showpiece for adorning your bookshelf, mantel, or coffee table. You will wow your family & friends with your craftsmanship.
We begin with a brief introduction to paper grain and a review of workshop tools. You will then fold your nine pieces of Stonehenge drawing paper to make a total of nine 4-page signatures. Next, you will learn to make a cover, complete with pocket/envelope for the interiors of your front and back covers, using Saint-Armand cover paper. You will then map out the stitching pattern onto a piece of Crescent board which you will use as your template to transfer the stitching-stations (all 189!) onto the actual spine of your book. Then, you will select your threads from the colour-curated palette, and begin to stitch.
For the finale, you will reinforce your covers with thick watercolour paper to increase their sturdiness. You will actually find it easier to stitch the remaining six rows after reinforcing your covers. In due course, your book will open completely flat and you will rejoice!
Workshop fee includes all the materials (but not the tools) you’ll need to make one mighty-fine-nine-signature-spine book! Choose from an aviary of palettes: Wood Duck, Barn Swallow, Eastern Bluebird, and Purple Finch. If you’d like to purchase an additional set of materials, you certainly can. However, you cannot accomplish this in the dropdown menu (because one set of materials is included with the workshop fee). It’s $145 per additional set (all the materials to make a trio of booklets), with no shipping fee if you order at the same time as your workshop registration. To order, please e me and I will be in touch extremely promptly.
Tools needed: Bonefolder, shipping clerk’s knife, lightweight awl, medium awl, X-acto knife, & two needles. You will receive a 20% discount on all tools ordered for the workshop (via refund after your workshop purchase). You can purchase these tools individuallyhere.
Ancillary tools needed: Ruler, triangle ruler, pair of sharp scissors, pencil, cutting mat.
This recording is 4-ish hours in total. It includes the “natural pauses” from the original workshop sessions, giving you time to complete the various steps. You can pause the video wherever and as often as you’d like, but you may not need to at all.
To schedule a date & time, add this class to your cart, and then email barizakistudio@gmail.com with your preferred date(s) and time of day. Feel free to call or e me with any questions (773-294-7766 or barizakistudio@gmail.com).
I look forward to sharing my long-standing love of folding paper & stitching with you.