Workshop your way onto the new decade!

Dear Everyone ~


I will be teaching six different classes this winter season,
including one I’ve never offered before: Quartet of Origami Boxes.
Several years ago, I went through an extended origami-folding phase,
making dozens of boxes in various sizes, from assorted papers.
The “magic moment” when you have finished your two trays
and then fit them together to form a lidded box …
is pure paper joy.


The Quartet of Origami Boxes workshop will be three hours.
We’ll use Saint-Armand handmade papers, in assorted lovely colours,
to make a trio of boxes that both stack beautifully & nest snugly.
Next, we’ll back a Japanese decorative paper with
a text-weight page (something we also do in
the Buttonhole-stitch class).
This sturdy combo is still supple enough to fold,
making a substantial box you can actually use
for desk accessories or collectibles.
And, of course,  an origami box makes a
wonderfully engaging gift box.

* * * * *

Speaking of Buttonhole-stitch,
I’m often asked to recommend a “first bookmaking class,”
and I have found Buttonhole-stitch to be brilliant for this.
The stitch is rhythmic and, I think, intuitive,
and there’s no gluing involved.


The Coptic-stitch with Hard Covers workshop
results in a lovely book in a single session,
though it requires a bit of dexterity.
This binding style combines gluing and stitching.


And the triple-hyphenated Long-stitch-link-stitch Binding
workshop has become one of my favourites — I love how
this binding literally allows for endless stitching patterns on the spine.


I’ll also be teaching Introduction to Boxmaking,
in which you construct a box from pre-cut pieces of binders-board,
cover it with a combination of Japanese bookbinding
fabrics & papers, and tie it off with a lovely ribbon.
This box is ideal for holding postcards or photos.


And I will be teaching Introduction to Drawing
with Brush & Ink as a group class.


As always,
if the date of a group class doesn’t suit your schedule,
you are welcome to request a date for a private
or semi-private class. The energy and creative camaraderie
in a workshop is wonderful, but I will say that 2019
has been a very big year for private and semi-private classes,
and students really seem to enjoy the extra attention.
And gift certificates are at the ready for personalization,
should you decide to treat someone you know….

NEW Quartet of Origami Boxes
Coptic stitch with hard-covers
Introduction to Boxmaking
Introduction to Drawing with Brush & Ink

Stay cozy, Bari