A stitch this time makes nine … signatures!

Dear Everyone ~


I have finally finished my nine-signature woven-stitched book.
My fevery of weavery has received quite a bit of ravery on Instagram!

From the moment Emmy Kennett (my former nimble shop assistant)
& I began making this book last April, I have wanted to
offer it as a workshop. But I realized that for a nine-signature book,
students would need to finish it at home—as I just have.
I found the process quite meditative, as each row
took me about 30 minutes to stitch. As I was finishing my book,
I decided to indeed offer the workshop. Students
will complete three (or six) signatures in class and finish their book
at home, thanks to our charming illustrated handout.

One of the joys of the nine-signature book
is that the colour options—both for papers and threads—
are almost endless. So, you can create patterns, both on the spine
and the interior, to thrill your eye and your heart.


Recently, I have received a commission for a nine-signature book
(inspired by my blog post last spring). The customer has requested
Stonehenge pages. I’ve sent her paper swatches—
she already has my thread swatch card—and she is deciding
on her paper colour(s) & thread(s). I’m eager to start this project …
and already curious as to what my customer plans to do with her book!

Meanwhile, I’ve scheduled a workshop for
Saturday, March 7, for a maximum of three students.

Mighty Fine Nine-Signature Spine Workshop

As I post this, 1,091 followers on Instagram have hearted
my process photo. My special thanks to everyone
who commented. Encouraged by your enthusiasm, I will also
be writing this binding style up for the Project Gallery soon,
very soon!!

In stitches,
