LOVE is in the air

Dear Everyone ~


February 14 will be the first Valentines Day of the prolonged shelter season. The upcoming holiday has inspired me to walk around the shop musing, perusing & choosing an array of LOVEly notebooks, pencils, pens, inks, greeting cards & other epistolary supplies to encourage theme-y & dreamy communiqués. Then, like an arrow shot by you-know-who, an idea struck me to put together a “quick kit” of DIY Valentine supplies, including an assortment of LOVE stamps. This paragon of Valentinear versatility can become a romantic sweet nothing or a note of appreciation or admiration to someone you’re thankful to have in your life.


If you aren’t inclined to use the stamps on postcards or envelopes: They are splendid for sealing packages (instead of tape), excellent for embellishing anything, and heavenly for hiding somewhere unexpected. The USPS has issued many LOVE stamps over the years. Our sampler includes a selection of some favourites from years past.

You could use everything on one over-the-top Valentine missive, or use one envelope & notesheet each for two recipients. For this limited edition, I have “dedicated” my lone large pad of Rose Rivoli notesheets to make two different enclosure folds. Delicious details in the shop listing. Here, I’ll just say that the Rose Rivoli shade of pink gives fresh meaning to la vie en rose.

If you are giving any Valentine gifts, consider tying a pink or red writing accessory onto your box or bag. It’s a look I love, whether with a notebook or a sweet nosh. And, of course, a bouquet of pens or coloured pencils is a long-lasting treat.

Duo-it-yourself Valentines

Lovely, Bari