Introducing the younger generation to bookbinding

Dear Everyone ~


The Introduction to Bookbinding workshop that debuted this past March was my first solo Zoom. I was beyond delighted that it was so well received from coast to coast, as well as with such a diverse age group! Remarkably my three youngest students ever were all in this workshop: David, aged 21; Rachel, aged 14; and Martin, aged 12.

Of course, I was intensely curious about their previous workshop experiences. Happily, they all agreed to share their oeuvres and to answer my questions about attending their first bookbinding workshop, and what it meant to each of them to make their first book.

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In last week’s blog post, I featured David’s thank-you ensemble: a pair of noteworthy envelopes, the inner one hand-folded from a vintage book page, the outer one beautifully lined with a bird’s eye view of Paris. In his missive, he writes about his experience.


“ I found it easier than I expected; the creation of a book is not so far removed from that of an envelope. I also look forward to using my new tools for envelopes! I hope to have the chance to take more classes with you in the future! ”


David has also sent me photos of his worktable. He rates the bonefolder as his favourite tool. He awards second place to his shipping clerk’s knife “because it’s very satisfying to cut with!”

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Rachel & Martin are siblings. Rachel selected the Primavera palette and Martin decided on the Terrain palette. Though they worked at different paces, they enjoyed taking the workshop together. Rachel comments:

“ The pace of the workshop was fine, it wasn't too fast or too slow, and I was able to keep up with the steps pretty easily. As I was able to finish my booklets during the class, I didn't need to watch the video. But I overheard some parts of it when Martin was watching it and finishing his second book. ”

Martin deems the bonefolder his favourite tool “because it made nice creases and folds.” He adds:

“ The pace of the workshop was just right. I watched the video again because I forgot some steps in making my second book. The video was very helpful. I will use my books for photos taken when I was traveling before Covid—and I will add photos after Covid. ”


Rachel selects the shipping clerk’s knife as her favourite, “because it was cool to cut through paper that was previously scored, and it was one of the tools that was new to me.” She looks forward to using her books “for drawings and possibly watercolour.”


It thrills me that all three of my youngest students had such a creatively inspiring time and look forward to making more books. Rachel’s parting comment truly warms my heart:

“ I learned how simple and easy bookbinding is, and will definitely want to try other styles of books and binding techniques in the future. ”

The Introduction to Bookbinding structure is a single-stitched signature booklet with two envelope pocket covers. This has inspired me to devise a new group workshop (via Zoom), which I will announce next week. Hint: bookbinding + hand-folded envelopes = Bookelopes.

Inspired, Bari