Rag & Pulp, Bookmarks & Gratitude

Dear Everyone ~

August was so august—and robust—at Bari Zaki Studio. The confluence of Stationery Store Day (SSD) & the publication of Rag & Pulp (R&P) made for a momentous month! I am hugely grateful for the lovely turnout for SSD, both in the shop and online. It was wonderful to see many familiar faces and a handful of new ones, and the day felt so festive! The shop was vibrating with love for stationery & all things paper, and that made my heart smile from ear to ear.

Leading up to SSD, bookmark-with-purchase production was in high gear. I am hugely grateful for my four extra hands: those of Janet Bouldin, dear friend and watercolourist, and Ruby, my new nimble shop assistant, who you will begin hearing & seeing much more of. Janet and Ruby’s creative camaraderie and beautiful handiwork imbued, infused, enthused the bookmarks with joie de papeterie.

Here’s the bookmark backstory: My beloved bonefolder and I folded large sheets of Waterford Saunders watercolour paper down to size. My trusty shipping clerk’s knife deckled the edges. I delivered the stack, and a full set of Le Pens, to Janet’s studio-kitchen, for a delightful afternoon of painting and squiggling. She already had an excellent supply of the other supplies. The bookmark has six undulating “rows,” each featuring one of the assorted pens & inks I stock in the shop. The “equator” is a single row of waxed-linen thread, handstitched by Ruby. And for the seal of approval, Ruby affixed the BZS anniversary seal & Cambridge Imprint paper ribbons. Voilà-là-là!

It has been such a pleasure to inscribe, wrap & beribbon, and send off several dozen R&P! The lovely emails I’ve received from appreciative (and lyrical!) customers were a rereadable bonus! Below are a few endearing acknowledgments.
“ A belated note to let you know that your box of goodies arrived, proving that you can never be too old to squeal at mail. I immediately turned to page 76 [where the Bari Zaki Studio section begins], and then back again to page 7 [the first page of the table of contents], then 76, then 7... ad infinitem. Janine gave you a really nice write-up, and the pictures were oxygen, given how long it’s been since I’ve visited the store and you. Your fan, Martha ”
“ Received my beautiful Bari-treasure, I am peeling it like an onion, savoring every layer. You create the most amazing feasts for the eyes! Thank you, Mary ”
“ Rag & Pulp arrived today along with a lovely collection of Japanese papers from Chicagoland! I just finished reading your chapter and loved it! One day, I hope to visit you in your studio. Congratulations on a celebratory and inspiring story of your career!!! Now on to the chapter about Cambridge Imprint! Karen ”

Deborah e’d me twice. Her first subject line read: “Portrait of an order”, and she sent a photo of her order decanted (seen above). Her second message read: “ Got it!! Thanks for the wonderful surprises and for wrapping everything so beautifully. I’m trying not to drool in the box, and I feel a color coma coming on!!!”

Jill ordered a copy, wrapped in Grafiche Tassotti No. 3, which I shipped directly to a friend of hers. She requested this inscription: “ Happy Birthday Jodi! To a creative genius and wonderful friend. ” I loved writing that—and I also loved composing the inscriptions for customers who asked me to sign their own copies.
For me, the excitement around the launch of R&P is ongoing, as I can look over to see the stack of copies atop my Japanese teaboxes. I also have a browsing copy, with bookmark, at the front of the shop. Someone commented the other afternoon how hefty the book feels, and it’s true. The most papery paperweight imaginable!

Rag & Pulp
Singing into September, Bari
Speaking of Ruby and Kyo-no-oto inks. Last week two new dreamy ink colours arrived—No. 13 (Seiheki) & No. 14 (Yurushiiro)—which called for a refresh of swatches in the shop. Here is Ruby swooshing her swatches.

And here they are on display. Both colours have been added to the online shop.