Extremely Mellow Yellow Parcel

Dear Everyone ~

It’s the start of another week of sheltering in place.
I continue to be heartened by people who are turning to
creativity for comfort and connection in this challenging time.


Kristen is an occasional customer who loves,
as do many of us, colour. Kristen, however, takes it to a
higher intensity, and sometimes shops by colour.
Usually, she does this in person, but the other day,
she emailed to say that she had been inspired by
the newest Lyra colour, Lemonade … and asked
if I could put together a yellow (leaning toward
chartreuse) accessory assortment for her.


I was delighted to wander around the shop,
selecting everything in her palette. I realized
I was compiling somewhat more than she was anticipating,
so I took photos for her to peruse. I also asked Kristen if she
happened to remember what palettes she’s shopped for previously.

“I’ve done it twice near a holiday, so that all my
outgoing mail can match the theme of the occasion.
Pinks and reds for Valentines, and all of the orange supplies
for Halloween. The Lemonade Lyra pencil caught my eye
and sparked this request.”

I asked out of blatant curiosity whether she’s
done this “shop by colour” exercise elsewhere,
and she said No, but added…

“At first, I was so overwhelmed by all of the beautiful things
in your shop that I wanted to limit myself
somehow—or spend $1000—so I picked a colour.
Now I repeat that every time.”


I loved coordinating the wrapping of each item to
create an ensemble. I made the bag for the writing accessories
from British wrapping paper I’ve had almost forever.
I thought the lemon-and-cream colour combo was pretty perfect.


Vive shopping by colour,
