E is for Electronic Engagement

Dear Everyone ~


I’ve received many wonderful emails from customers
in the last few weeks. They are gratifying and heartening
and encouraging. And they “punctuate” my seemingly endless
preparing of parcels, now that all purchases have to be shipped.
I’d like to share bits from several of these e-notes.

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Ashley has come to my shop on several occasions.
She recently sent me a lovely message through the
contact page on my website.
Before I even read her delightful note,
I was charmed by her opening salutation:

Subject: <3
Message: Good Morning!  

Here is my favourite snippet from Ashley's note.

“ I wanted to reach out to thank you for providing
such a beautiful and magical space for our community.
I will miss stopping by your shop, and wanted to wish
you the best during these unprecedented times. ”

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Several months ago, I featured Bradford’s wonderful
storybook for his grandson Charlie. I received an email
from Bradford toward the middle of March.
His note’s middle reads:

“ I’ve been using this time at home to finish up a
new book for Charlie. I was wondering if you would
be able to work on it while the store is shuttered.
I love shops like yours and am looking for ways
to help just a little bit in these weird times.
If you’re interested let me know and we can
arrange a contactless drop of the materials. ”

The contactless drop has been accomplished,
and I’ll be starting soon on Charlie’s new storybook.
You can read about the making of the first
storybook at the top of the Project Gallery.

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Janice, who lives in Chicago, was planning to come
into the studio to finish her mighty fine nine-signature spine,
when I decided to become socially solitary (but still ship stationery!).
I recently checked in with Janice, and she replied:

“ I have been thinking of you often and yes,
finishing the Nine Signature and the long stitch
with you privately will be awesome. Also, I can hardly wait
to see your loopy link-stitch—I love the colours—so cheery. ”

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Barbara, about whom I know truly naught,
sent a lovely email in response to last week’s
Extremely Mellow Yellow Parcel post:

“ Hi. I’ve never been to your store but sure hope
to after all this uncertainty is over. But I want to say thank you
for all the beautiful things and colours you send in your emails.
Brings some sunshine into my home and life. ”

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Susan has taken several bookbinding workshops
at the studio. She lives in Chicago, but is sheltering
out of state for the duration. She recently wrote:

“ I just love what you are doing! 
You could be a good example for the rest of the nation!
You are a great model for us all—how I love your
enthusiasm!! It was a wonderful day for me when
I happened to walk into your store!
Also, ‘Hi’ and thank you to Will [my marvelous mailman]. ”

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Heather is taking the year-long online Words & Pictures
class developed by Sonheim Creative.
I’ve never met Heather, but look forward to!

“ Thank you so much for the class you offered last week
on Carla's website. Your quiet and beautiful space and,
even more so, your calming spirit were a balm to me in this crazy time.
Next time I am passing through Chicago, I will find your shop.
I think just walking through the threshold will be healing. ”

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Terry, a new online customer, sent this “review of receipt”:

“ Hello! I received my package yesterday. So fast! Amazing!
Everything was wrapped so beautifully that I just sat
and looked at the packages for a while before
I carefully peeled off the tags on the waxed paper bags. 
Everything is perfect! Thank you! ”


I am touched by each and every one of these appreciations.
Many of them include closing salutations that make
my heart full, from Take Good Care to Be safe,
and from xxooo to Fondly, and, last but not least: Peace.

Be well,
