Indulge your penchant for a zen desk

Dear Everyone ~


I’ve just added several “staples” to my online shop.
These are all supplies I’ve carried in the shop-shop
for a very long time, but had never put them online.
Given that it’s not possible to visit the shop-shop at present,
I decided I should put them online pronto-ly.


Let me start with the Hexagonal Collapsible Pencil Cups,
which are diabolical to photograph. The cups are paragons of
Japanese paper craft and attention to detail.
They are fully lined in Moriki, in a shade somewhere
between salmon and coral. Traditional red Japanese cording
provides the “structural integrity” to support the
hexagonal base, likewise completely covered in Moriki.


If you’d like some fresh writing accessories
to inhabit your pencil cup(s), what could be more fun
than having a pencil to match your every pad or mood?
The answer may well be: having three dozen assorted
pencils at hand, from graphite to colours, from Japanese
paper wraps to exotic miscellany, including the occasional
Italian item or vintage gem. Each Pouch o’ Assorted Pencils
is a triumph of global pencildom, with very few duplicates.


If you’d like a rainbow of writing—or drawing or
doodling—tools, felt-tip markers by LePen
will brighten your day and your desk.
We stock them in 22 colours, all  acid-free,
smudge-resistant, and non-toxic.

Pouch o' Assorted Pencils
Hexagonal Collapsible Pencil Cups
Felt-tip Pens by LePen

From the Desk of,
